复习 第24课


nǐ jiùmā yě kāishǐ yòng diànnǎole ป้าของคุณเริ่มใช้คอมพิวเตอร์


  • 家庭 jiātíng home/family
  • 舅妈 jiùmā aunt
  • 舅舅 jiùjiu uncle
  • 母亲 mǔqīn mother
  • 舅妈 jiù mā maternal uncle’s wife
  • 舅舅 jiù jiu mother’s brother
  • 农民 nóng mín peasant
  • 当 dāng to work as
  • 蔬菜 shū cài vegetables
  • 在 zài (located) at
  • 正在 zhèng zài in the process of
  • 问路 wèn lù to ask directions (a route)
  • 变化 biàn huà change
  • 不但 bú dàn not only
  • 而且 ér qiě (not only …) but also; and also
  • 可不 kě bù exactly; right; that’s just the way it is
  • 小孩 xiǎo hái kid; child
  • 地图 dì tú map
  • 向 xiàng direction; towards; to
  • 年级 nián jí grade
  • 大学 dà xué university
  • 辛苦 xīn kǔ exhausting; hard; toilsome
  • 下雨 xià yǔ to rain
  • 温 wēn warm, tepid
  • 温室 wēn shì greenhouse
  • 收 shōu harvest; to accept; to receive
  • 入 rù to enter
  • 收入 shōu rù income
  • 前年 qián nián the year before last
  • 盖 gài to build
  • 座 zuò measure word for buildings
  • 辆 liàng measure word for vehicles
  • 城 chéng city walls
  • 方便 fāng biàn convenient
  • 村 cūn village
  • 文化 wén huà culture
  • 低 dī low
  • 技术 jì shù technology
  • 管理 guǎn lǐ to supervise; to manage; to administer
  • 暖和 nuǎn huo warm
  • 凉快 liáng kuai nice and cold
  • 机场 jī chǎng airport
  • 接 jiē to receive; to pick up (someone)
  • 行李 xíng li luggage
  • 箱子 xiāng zi container; box; case; trunk
  • 一路平安 yí lù píng ān to have a pleasant journey; bon voyage
  • 爱人 ài ren; ài rén husband or wife
  • 士兵 shì bīng soldier
  • 将军 jiāng jūn general
  • 站岗 zhàng gǎng sentry; to stand guard
  • 冻 dòng to freeze
  • 发抖 fā dǒu to shiver
  • 生火 shēng huǒ to make a fire
  • 正常 zhèng cháng normal; regular
  • 声 shēng sound; voice
  • 农 nóng agriculture
  • 而 ér and yet, beard (radical)
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